25. kolovoza 2021.
Profesori Odjela za studije mora su u proteklih mjesec dana objavili sljedeće znanstvene publikacije:
Prof. Alen Soldo
Shark capture by commercial fisheries in Albania
Rigers Bakiu, Alen Soldo
Checklist of marine fishes of Albania
Alen SOLDO and Rigers BAKIU
The Occurrence of the Common Angel Shark Squatina squatina in the Adriatic Sea
Izv. Prof. Vida Šimat
- Znanstveni rad
Martina Čagalj i Vida Šimat
Časopis: Trends in Food Science & Technology (2/144)
Recent developments in valorisation of bioactive ingredients in discard/seafood processing by-products
- Poglavlje u knjizi
Valorization of Agri-Food Wastes and By-Products-Recent Trends, Innovations and Sustainability Challenges
Autor Vida Šimat
Naslov CH 26 Valorization of seafood processing by-products
3. Željka Trumbić
Molecular and evolutionary basis for survival, its failure, and virulence factors of the zoonotic nematode Anisakis pegreffii
Autori: Željka Trumbić, Jerko Hrabar, Nikola Palevich, Vincenzo Carbone, Ivona Mladineo
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygeno.2021.06.032
In Vitro Testing of Alternative Synthetic and Natural Antiparasitic Compounds against the Monogenean Sparicotyle chrysophrii
Autori: Ivona Mladineo, Željka Trumbić, Adrián Ormad-García, Oswaldo Palenzuela, Ariadna Sitjà-Bobadilla, Simona Manuguerra, Cristobal Espinosa Ruiz and Concetta Maria Messina
doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10080980
4. Maja Krželj i Marin Ordulj
Modelling the Quality of Bathing Waters in the Adriatic Sea
Autori: Christian Ferrarin, Pierluigi Penna, Antonella Penna, Vedrana Spada, Fabio Ricci, Josipa Bilić, Maja Krzelj, Marin Ordulj, Marija Šikoronja, Ivo Đuračić, Luca Iagnemma, Martin Bućan, Elisa Baldrighi, Federica Grilli, Fabrizio Moro, Silvia Casabianca, Luigi Bolognini, Mauro Marini
doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/w13111525