
University Department of Marine Studies is the branch and organizational unit of University of Split offering undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies about the sea, its richness, marine fishery, biological oceanography and marine ecology.

Today University Department of Marine Studies organizes two undergraduate and two graduate studies and one inter-University postgraduate study.

Undergraduate programmes are:

Graduate programmes are:

Inter-University Postgraduate programme:

On the University Department of Marine Studies in Split, only regular classes are performed.



Studijski programi:

Prijeddiplomski sveučilišni studij Biologija i tehnologija mora - 3 godine (180 ECTS)

Diplomski sveučilišni studij Morsko ribarstvo - 2 godine (120 ECTS)

Diplomski sveučilišni studij Ekologija i zaštita mora - 2 godine (120 ECTS)

Doktorski studij Primijenjene znanosti o moru - 3 godine (180 ECTS) 

Diplomski sveučilišni studij Marine Fishery - 2 godine (120 ECTS)


Nastavne baze: Centar za regionalne aktivnosti Programa prioritetnih akcija (PAP/RAC), Društvo istraživača mora 20000 miljaInstitut za oceanografiju i ribarstvoJavna ustanova More i kršPrirodoslovni muzej SplitUdruga za prirodu,okoliš i održivi razvoj SunceJavna ustanova Park prirode Lastovsko otočjeJavna ustanova Park prirode TelašćicaInstitut Plavi svijet, Pecten d.o.o., Conex Trade d.o.o i Platforma 22 d.o.o.

Stručna praksa se, osim u navedenim nastavnim bazama, provodi i u drugim suradničkim ustanovama kao što su Sardina d.o.o., Centaurus d.o.o., Cromaris d.o.o. i Ancora Commerce d.o.o.

Odjel aktivno provodi međunarodni program Erasmus+.

Odjel je aktivan u provođenju različitih nacionalnih i međunarodnih projekata.

Studentski zbor predstavlja studente Odjela, štiti interese studenata te sudjeluje u odlučivanju i u upravljanju.


Zašto studirati na Sveučilišnom odjelu za studije mora Sveučilišta u Splitu?




Marine Fishery video




Marine biology and technology

Marine biology and technology


Sea is an important resource for every maritime country as it can improve commercial prosperity of the country and standard of the citizens in a variety of ways, such as though exploitation of living and non-living resources, aquaculture, tourism, navigation, etc. Some of the above mentioned activities are not compatible and can potentially be harmful to each other. Because of that, specially trained experts, that would know how to sustainably exploit marine environment to the benefit of people and marine ecosystems, are necessary for creating and implementing developing strategy of the country. 

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Marine Fishery

Marine Fishery


Marine fishery is a complex commercial activity. It is not exclusively subject to biota and abiota impacts, but also to different biotechnological, technical, economic, legislative and other factors that have to be taken into consideration regarding sustainable exploit of renewable marine resources. Fishes and other marine organisms, as objects of catch, are the main concern of Marine Fishery. These renewable marine resources could be very soon impoverished and devastated as result of over catch and catch of immature individuals. Fishery development is conditioned by biomass size intended for catch and allowed level of its exploit, while the development of aquaculture is conditioned predominantly by adequacy of area for fish (shell) farming.

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Marine ecology and protection

Marine ecology and protection


Sea is an important resource for every maritime country as it can improve commercial prosperity of the country and standard of the citizens in a variety of ways, such as though exploitation of living and non-living resources, aquaculture, tourism, navigation, etc. Some of the above mentioned activities are not compatible and can potentially be harmful to each other. Because of that, specially trained experts, that would know how to sustainably exploit marine environment to the benefit of people and marine ecosystems, are necessary for creating and implementing developing strategy of the country.

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Marine Fishery

Marine Fishery

Marine fishery is a complex economic activity which is not only subjected to the influence of various biotic and abiotic components that affect its functioning and determine its development. Proper management and protection of renewable resources implies taking into account biotechnological, technical, economic, legal and many other aspects. Therefore, when it comes to proper and responsible management and protection of renewable marine resources, development of fishing activities...

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Education hubs

Važnu komponentu studijskih programa Odjela predstavlja stručna praksa tijekom koje studenti unaprjeđuju znanja i stječu kompetencije koje su u skladu sa zahtjevima tržišta rada.

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Erasmus programme

ERASMUS is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme, focused on higher education within which it is possible to participate in individual mobility and the European educational projects.

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Student union

Studenti svoja mišljenja, prijedloge i primjedbe mogu podijeliti s nama na sz.studijmora@gmail.com

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