Sea is an important resource for every maritime country as it can improve commercial prosperity of the country and standard of the citizens in a variety of ways, such as though exploitation of living and non-living resources, aquaculture, tourism, navigation, etc. Some of the above mentioned activities are not compatible and can potentially be harmful to each other. Because of that, specially trained experts, that would know how to sustainably exploit marine environment to the benefit of people and marine ecosystems, are necessary for creating and implementing developing strategy of the country. That task can be completed through systematic education that has following goals: (1) understand and explain physical, chemical and biological processes in the sea; (2) be able to predict changes in marine ecosystems that develop under different influences, and (3) to sustainably exploit marine resources.
Main purpose of Marine biology and ecology (MBE) study is a systematic education of personnel for work in area of marine biology and ecology, which includes a wide range of biological investigations from diversity of marine organisms to their distribution, characteristics, mutual relations and interactions with marine environment. Further on, due to increasing threat of marine pollution caused by dumping of various toxic and dangerous substances into the sea, and irrational use of marine resources, special attention throughout the study will be given to protection of endangered species and ecologically endangered areas. From all of the above, it is evident that work in the area of marine biology and ecology, besides strong biology background requires a wide knowledge of chemistry and physics, physical and chemical oceanography, as well as meteorology (physics of the atmosphere). Generally speaking, understanding of biological processes in the sea requires good understanding of functioning of the marine ecosystems, what requires high degree of multidisciplinary study that can be gained though this program. Practice of organizing studies that educate personnel in the science of the sea is well known in all developed maritime countries, and many such studies have a long tradition.